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GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building


GoDog GameStream Can Pay for Itself!

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

The biggest challenge for live streaming youth and high school sports is the cost - installation, maintenance, and ongoing subscription of the live stream.

So we developed GoDog GameStream as a system that can actually pay for itself.

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

Show Me the Money!

GoDog GameStream has multiple ways your league, school, or tournament venue can generate revenue. And you keep 100%! Your success is our success.

Many GoDog GameStream partners pay for the entire system with just sponsorships and advertising revenue. Then, by engaging additional revenue streams, you can start paying for other initiatives:

  • Upgrade the snack bar

  • Add lights

  • Roofing over the bleachers

  • Refurbish playing fields


The nicer your fields, facilities, and services, the more families will be willing to pay in annual dues. 

If You Build It, They Will Come

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building
GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building
GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

Sponsorships & Sponsorship Packages

Tired of the multiple outfield banners? Sell on-screen advertisements (including commercials!) and digital banners to your existing sponsors and attract new ones.

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

Annual or Seasonal League/Team Fundraisers

Families and grandparents love to support their kids and will fund live streaming cameras. You can still do Bingo and BBQs!

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

Modest Increase in Dues

If families share the cost, it’s a modest increase in dues (average of less than $20 per player).

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

Hosted Tournament Revenue Share

If you host tournaments, participating teams will pay a small upcharge for the benefit of live streaming their games.

Here's how easy it is to make money with GoDog Gamestream!

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building


of league invitees registered within the first 48 hours.

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building


would watch GoDog GameStream again next season.

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building


of users invited other friends/family to register.

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building


avg. mins/session and close to 8900 hours of viewing/league.

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building





Top Tier Net

Promoter Score

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building
GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

Did You Know?

A recent survey of GoDog families shows that they are happy to support live streaming because of the benefit it provides. In fact, most families and sponsors contribute money because they want to support youth and high school sports.


There’s no better way to “give back” than providing a live streaming service so everyone can enjoy watching their kids play sports.

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building
GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building

Need Help Getting Everyone On Board?

We are sports parents too, and we know what you’re up against getting a live streaming system installed and operating at your venue. Tight budgets. Time-strapped volunteers. More important things to tackle.


We also know you have limited time and opportunity to introduce GoDog GameStream, showcase the benefits, and demonstrate the revenue streams it can general. So, we’re here to help!


We have customizable presentations to help you “show them the money.”

GoDog Sports | Live Stream Youth & High School Sports | League, Tournament Venues, Affordable, Secure, Custom Portal, Revenue Building
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